Thursday, October 30, 2014

What kind of person would I be should I neglect to share this?

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Feeding the spiritual > to feed the physical

What kind of cruel cold-hearted person would I be if I did not share with you what I call--Feeding or taking care of the spiritual (our destiny) to be able to feed or take care of the physical aspect of our lives.   We must not get these backward because there are eternal consequences at stake.
To begin, I will ask you friend to keep an open mind as I ask some of the most (if not the most) important questions ever asked.
After you die, where will you go?
Heaven or Hell? --or something else?
God is holy and perfect and He cannot have sin in His presence.
(The following questions come from the Ten Commandments and the Good Person Test)
Have you ever lied?
Do you put God first in your life?
Ever used God's name as a cuss word to express disgust?
Hitler and Mohammed are not hated this much.
Lusted? Jesus said lust is the same as adultery of the heart.  (Matthew 5:27-28)
We broke God's perfect standard, His Moral Law (the Ten Commandments) and because of God's perfection and holiness we deserve Hell.  This is our case before God.
Upon honestly answering those questions, it quickly becomes apparent we are all guilty before God of breaking His perfect standard. Therefore, we need a Savior and way of escape from His judgment of sin.   (James 2:10)
Trying to keep God's commands or doing good things is not the way to heaven (and impossible to keep) but there is a way which only God can provide for escape because He is the Judge.
He sent His Son Jesus Christ--God manifest in the flesh--to die on a cross paying the penalty for our breaking His Law (Sin). (Ro. 5:8)
Jesus rose from the dead after three days defeating sin and death. (1 Cor. 15:3-4)  Therefore, God can legally dismiss our case against Him.
When you repent from your sin (turn from it) and trust in Jesus Christ alone to save you from the wrath to come (judgment against sin), you and I are guaranteed eternal life! (John 3:36Titus 3:4-7Ro 6:23).
Therefore, if we take care of the soul (our destiny) we do well and will live.  Just like eating, in order to continue feeding the spiritual we must be reading our Bible's (His Word) everyday and praying (talking to God) all the time.  For more information on this subject please visit: 
Once we have taken care of and (are currently) taking care of the spiritual because our souls are resting in Jesus Christ, then can we work on the physical aspects of our lives.
I don't know of a better way to feed the physical than through the Youngevity/90forlife program and telling other's of Dr. Wallach's 90 for Life message.  With Youngevity, there is the opportunity for getting healthy (physically), keeping healthy (through the healthy body challenge) all while earning an income at the same time.

Remember:  feed the spiritual to feed the physical!

Related sources:  A Matter of Life or Death

Business Opportunity Assessment: Youngevity

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It was somewhat by accident that I discovered Youngevity.   A friend of mine had mentioned the name Dr. Wallach to me but hadn't said anything about his relationship with Youngevity.

As I recall, I wasn't much interested in finding out who Dr. Wallach was but eventually I got around to doing a little research online about Dr. Wallach and the rest is history you might say.  From this experience, I am beginning to learn it is important to be honest with oneself about "findings" into a business opportunity or any Network Marketing company as new discoveries are made.  For example,  I think the idea is true there is a certain amount of excitement associated with discovering any new project or new opportunity but that excitement can cloud a person's mind to what the complete package for what the opportunity actually is or looks like.  This enthusiasm we get with a new discovery is awesome but it can cause one to only see positives while ignoring any glaring not-so-positive realities.

As I have discovered more about 90 for Life and what Dr. Wallach was saying about doctors not addressing how to prevent disease, I get more and more excited about his message and Youngevity as a business opportunity.  Yet I am learning that there must be balance with any message so as not to get stuck in an unrealistic experience that isn't based on facts.

This unrealistic experience for me isn't Dr. Wallach's message.  In fact his 90 for Life message is quite relatable and something I can really hold on to because it is based on actual experiences.  I saw his message on the view doctors take with diet occur in my life as I was being treated for Cancer.  The doctors I met with would routinely evade questions my wife and I had about my diet (which I now realize from listening to what Dr. Wallach and others have stated,  is because they aren't trained to know about that).   Instead the doctors pushed drug/chemical therapy and removal of diseased body parts rather than ways to heal the body as God intended.  As I listened to Dr. Wallach talk about something I had experienced, his message excited me so much that I couldn't wait to be a part of a company that finally helps make sense of diet even though I hadn't seen a very complete picture yet.

In the beginning as I was discovering Dr. Wallach and the company Youngevity, I came across an appearance he made on a tv show with televangelist Benny Hinn (whom it just so happens I do not have respect for and for reasons to numerous to mention).  This discovery had somewhat diminished my once completely positive views I held about Dr. Wallach but the real question is, in light of this discovery has it changed my support overall for his message? Of course not.    I believe now more than ever we must keep healthy perspective on people within a company and keep the company itself in balance within our minds.  We must not as far as be possible allow(as I had done) desire for perfection of who someone or who a company is to dominate.   Do I think Dr. Wallach should have appeared on Benny Hinn's tv program?  Not really, but that's just my opinion and I also realize that Dr. Wallach wants his message to be heard (and seen) by as many people as are open to it.  So bottom-line is this:  it is vital to keep all that we know and learn about a person and company in balance.   Find what fits for you and throw out what doesn't.

A few points I have learned (so far) on my journey to becoming a Rep with Youngevity. Perhaps these points will help you as they have for me.

1. Find out what other people (inside and outside) are saying about the company.  I found that checking YouTube videos really shows you a lot about a company--the great, the not-so-great and ones we all should just completely avoid.  Doing searches and video searches online shows the truth and a lot of non-truth about company's and people so keep a proper perspective and level head.

2. Don't discount your own experiences as you learn and build your own business.   Some people just hate a product or company while others can't find any faults whatsoever. Keep in mind these will be public statements (if found online) so be wary of people saying anything to rip you off.

3.  I found this point quite important when doing research.   Hold on to what you know to be true and especially the relatable aspects of a company or business opportunity that you are pursuing--- such as for me is Dr. Wallach's 90 essentials and vitamin deficiency message.

Let me know your thoughts!

What points have helped as you learn and discover whether a business opportunity and their products is right for you?  If this article has been helpful in any way, please feel free to repost it with credit.

Is MLM a Pyramid Scheme?

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You have probably heard of Network Marketing or MLM also know as Multi-level marketing.  Maybe you are even a marketer yourself.  Perhaps like many, you have heard horror stories related to MLM or the term within a context of something negative.  Worst yet, maybe in your mind,  MLM is synonymous and nothing more than a cleverly contrived term for Pyramid Scheme.

But is this true about MLM?  Is MLM a Pyramid Scheme?

First, I will come right out and say I have a bias toward MLM.  Because I work in a great MLM company, I love the multi-level principle and what Network Marketing is in its purest sense.   I believe we have a great industry and great people working in it.  Behind the scenes and at the forefront are people like you and me who truly do have integrity and a deep desire to help see others succeed.  Having said that, this is how good companies must continue to operate if we DON'T want to be labeled a pyramid or get-rich quick scheme or something worst!

Dr. K. Dean Black Ph.D writes in his pamphlet "The MLM Simple Success Guide" some excellent points about MLM.

"Some people don't like Multi-level Marketing, but there's nothing wrong with the principle, just with the way some people work with it."

Likewise when people abuse a system it's not the system that is necessarily at fault but the people who are the abusers.  We have a liberties in America because of Freedom but abusers of Freedom attempt to ruin it for the rest of us.

Similarly in MLM or Network Marketing, perhaps you have come across that marketer who has made claims about a business or product that simply isn't true.  And their claim isn't true,  not because you didn't work the business correctly, but because it was a SCAM from the get-go.   Perhaps you have even experienced or inadvertently gotten involved in such a scam or rip-off scheme which even claimed to be a legitimate "business".  We know about these so-called "businesses"--ones that claim to make you rich over-night or have the product that cures all problems.  Many of these ideas are also actual pyramid schemes and legitimate scams (and illegal) many of which don't offer you anything of value at all.

Dr. Black explains what Multi-level marketing is and isn't by first making the important point that nearly all business, government, churches, schools and organizations above a certain size have a pyramid structure.   But this doesn't mean they are a scam.  In fact, the multi-level pyramid structure isn't something to fear.

"Any organization that distributes products or services ends up shaped like a pyramid, with multiple levels that get bigger as you go down."  Dr. Black states.  "Delegation creates a multi-level pyramid.  Our government is also a multi-level pyramid.  So are our schools and churches.  All successful businesses, because they distribute products and services, end up shaped like a multi-level pyramid."

He goes on to explain that when we vote, we are giving the government the power they possess. This power comes from the bottom creating a pyramid like structure.  Likewise, we the people give a marketing company their power when we buy their product or services.   So the break-down really comes when people begin to feel slighted or are actually being taken advantage of or ripped off.   Distributors within a company have the power and control over how they manage their business within the company they represent.  As a rep for Youngevity and Dr. Wallach's 90 for Life message I believe a company such as Youngevity must have good products.  There must not be false claims about a product in order to keep the integrity of the company.  And finally, any such company is only as good as the distributors and reps who represent it.   We have the power to make it great or something else.   And because we are the face of the company, we are the ones who future customers, business owners and reps will see and make first contact with!  By being a positive example we can keep the integrity of a great marketing system that is MLM.