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What is
Is this business opportunity for you?
I put together for anyone with interest in purchasing products, learning about the Youngevity opportunity and would like to get some basics about enrolling as a distributor.
I highly recommend the 24-hour recorded opportunity call:
English (618) 355-1919 | Spanish: (800) 705-2436
Good to know:
Youngevity uses Multi-level Marketing as the strategy best for promoting Dr. Wallach's 90forLife message.
Great news for you!
With Multi-Level Marketing anyone can have the opportunity of becoming a representative with Youngevity. You will not only receive the benefits of the products while sharing the healthy plans with others but you will be able to promote this 'anywhere' business opportunity and get paid for it!
Additional benefits
A business like this allows freedom to travel and gives you the ability to work from virtually anywhere--without the worry of overhead costs, and massive product inventory.
In addition to having access to many products, this business opportunity gives you freedom from having a boss and a specific time schedule because you become the boss and make the schedule!
Where should I start?
The answer to this is entirely up to you but here are a few of my recommendations.
I highly recommend beginning with the 24-hour recorded opportunity call:
English (618) 355-1919 | Spanish: (800) 705-2436
Learn about the Healthy Body Challenge and 90 for Life. As you'll discover, these are two ways in which to get healthier and be able to promote the 90 for life message.
my email:
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